
WebPlatform Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

Support have answered the 5 most common questions asked when using the WMS module.

How do I abandon a process?


Processes can be abandoned in the My Processes section of WMS.
You can only abandon a process when:

  • You are the process owner
  • The process is active
  • The process is not a sub process

"My Processes" and "My WorkItem" grid can be customised in the following ways:

  • Increase/decrease grid size - You can change the number of items that appear in a grid by changing the dropdown vlaue in the bottom right corner of the grid. This ranges between 10 - 100 items.
  • Filtering the grid - You can filter the grid by selecting the filter icon in the column header. Alternatively, you can select the filter option in the "grid actions" dropdown.
  • Grouping - Items in the grid can be grouped by columns. You can do this by dragging the column header into the section above the grid labeled "drag a column header here to group by that column". Example: Group by the column "Process Name".

Watch the video for more example on how to customise the grids.

WorkItems can only be completed once all the mandatory fields on the form have been populated. Mandatory fields are identified by a red star (*) after the field name.

Some WorkItems may require a checklist to be marked off before the WorkItem can be completed. Checklists are found in the tab called "Checklist" and is situated between the "Custom Data fields" and "Help" tabs.

WorkItems can be temporarily asigned to someone else using the "refer" button. This button can be found in both the WorkItem details and the My WorkItems grid.

Select the refer button and a new window will appear. Select the person you require referring the WorkItem to in the dropdown and provide a reason for the referral in the text box. The reason will be displayed in the Process Notes of the WorkItem. Select OK and the WorkItem will be referred.

The person the WorkItem has been referred to will need click the "Return to referrer" button before the WorkItem can be completed.

What if the WorkItem does not belong to me and I need to permantly assign the WorkItem?

The window that appears when clicking the "Refer" button has a second option called "Reallocate WorkItem". Select the option and select the person you require reallocating the WorkItem to from the dropdown. Again, you will need to provide a reason for reallocating the WorkItem.

You can chase the person allocated to an overdue WorkItem by selecting the "Chase" button within the WorkItem details. This will send an email to the person with a direct link to the WorkItem.

Use the "View Process Diagram" button to navigate to the overdue WorkItem.
NOTE: You must have permission to read the WorkItem to use this functionality.