
WebPlatform Documentation

Report Management

Report Management

Where you can see all reports on the WebPlatform and how these have been set up:

  • Name of report
  • Category
  • Description
  • Campaign the report is linked to (if applicable)

The grid summarises how a report has been set up, this will transfer to how much information the report displays in the catalogue (Info icon and when run).

In the actions column you will find that you can edit or delete reports. Best practice is to only touch reports you have created as you will  not be aware of the dependencies for other reports. You can very easily delete a report that is used by entire business units or linked to and create a huge problem!

How to navigate Report Management

Editing a Report (Report Detail)

Report Detail

When you choose to edit a report, you will be taken to the Report Detail page. Here you will be able to set up:

  • how users will find the report (category and descriptions)
  • who can access the report (report groups)
  • what users will see when they view or run this report (description)

It is very important that the report name contains all key words a user might type in order to find the report. Same applies to the short description (which will be the info icon information the user can see in the report catalogue) or the Description which will be visible when the report is viewed or run.

An image can be uploaded for the report. This is quite important as users connect with visual information and will instinctively know this is the report they want to run if the image visible to them is meaningful.

Report Groups

Section where you can select the report groups that can access the report.

Best practice is to first find out which users are in each report group so that you do not give the wrong user (s) access to potentially confidential information. If in doubt contact your Support Team to understand which users belong to each existing group. It might even be the case that it is more appropriate to get a new report group added. For this you will need to go to the report group management section.

In order to give access just tick the relevant box for a group or groups and click Save & Quit.
