
WebPlatform Documentation

Campaign Account Checker


The account checker tool is used to validate content syndication leads against the campaign SPEC. This documentation shows where and how to use the account checker.

Where To Find It

The account checker can be found Within the 1. Validate WorkItem on tab called "Account Checker".

The 1. Validate WorkItem will only become active if the Inquiry has a source type of ContentSyndication and data validation is required.

How It Works

The account checker returns all Inquiries for the current campaign where the company name matches to the current Inquiry. There are 2 fields that must be populated before Inquiries can be retreived:

Field Description
Company to Search

The name of the company for the current Inquiry that will be compared to other Inquiries in the process definition. This field will automatically populate with the current Inquiry company however, you can change this value by editing the field value.

Match Type

Determines how the company name should be matched to other Inquiry company names. There are 2 options:

  1. Partial - Matches to other Inquiries where the "company to search" value is contained within the company name
  2. Exact - Matches to other Inquiries where the "company to search" value is the same

Display Inquiries in WorkItem

To show matching Inquiries in the WorkItem, click the "Search" button, A loading icon will appear whilst the data is being retrieved.

Once the data has loaded the following information is provided for each Inquiry:

  • Company Name
  • Email
  • Is Valid INQ
  • QA Status
  • Agency Placement Name
  • Asset Title
  • Lead Created Date
  • A count of the number of Inquiries that have been returned. This is located at the bottom of the table

Data in columns can be sorted.

Display Inquiries in a new tab

To show matching Inquiries in a new tab, click the "View in New Tab" button. A new tab will open with Inquiries that match using the "Match Type" and "Company to Search" value at the time of clicking the button.

Once the data has loaded the following information is provided for each Inquiry:

  • Company Name
  • Email
  • Is Valid INQ
  • QA Status
  • Agency Placement Name
  • Asset Title
  • Lead Created Date
  • A count of the number of Inquiries that have been returned. This is located at the bottom of the new tab

Data in columns can be sorted.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Rules for account checker vary by campaign. Look in the CBD for the rules (can be found on the "Follow Up / Qualifying Info" tab)
  • Where 2 campaigns use the same process definition there is scope for duplicates to appear in the list, which should not be considered as duplicates (by being a different date or different campaign)