
WebPlatform Documentation


Campaigns tie together the various parts that make up the campaign dashboards and campaign Power BI reports. 

Creating a Campaign

When a client is selected, a campaign can be created from the Campaigns tab. Click the "New Campaign" button in the top right corner, this will display a dialog box.

The dialog box has 5 fields to capture basic information before creating the new campaign. The name is mandatory and must be provided however, the remaining information is optional:

  • Description - A description for the new campaign.
  • Start Date - The date that the campaign will start, this is used within the funnel report and will be displayed on any connected dashboards
  • Project End Date - The date the campaign is projected to end, this is used within the funnel report and will be displayed on any connected dashboards
  • CBD URL - The link to the Campaign Briefing Document (CBD) for the campaign. This should be a link that can be embedded into the dashboard (how to embed Google Docs). 
    • For Digital type campaigns, ensure this field is populated, as it is used to populated the Campaign Briefing Document Tile

Campaign Settings

The campaign settings page contains the general campaign information that was populated on the new campaign pop up window, the fields are editable on this tab and can be changed at any point during the campaign.


The URL for the online Campaign briefing Document (CBD) should entered into the CBR URL field, this will be either a link to Sharepoint or a link to a Google Sheets document. This field can be used by connected dashboards to auto generate the Campaign Briefing Document Tile.

Inquiry Process

The inquiry process refers to the campaign process created in WMS and can be identified by the process name prefix "WBL_". An inquiry process must be selected for a campaign before the Data & Reports tab becomes available for setup. The Data & Reports tab will not be available until the inquiry process has been set.

To connect an Inquiry process, click the "Set Inquiry Process" button at the bottom of the page and a dialog box will appear. You will have the option automatically create and cut live live a new Inquiry process by selecting an existing process as a template or to connect an existing Inquiry process.

Once an Inquiry Process has been connected, the Inquiry Detail Budget checkbox becomes visible. Enabling the campaign detail budget will add the Campaign Detail Budget tab to the navigation bar and the budget breakdown will be ready for configuration. Ensure you save changes before continuing.

Copy Process Definition

NOTE: WBL_EIMS_DEMO process must be used as the template for standard campaigns

By default, the copy process option is selected and will create a new inquiry process as a copy from an existing process design.

In the "Select Process Definition" dropdown select the process definition to copy for the new inquiry process and two new fields will appear; New Process Name and New Process Description.

Digital process names follow a standard format so please name it as follows: WBL_{CLIENTNAME}_{CAMPAIGNNAME}

Enter a new name for the process (mandatory) and rename the FYxxQxx in the description to the relevant Financial Year and Quarter. Then, click create Copy Process. This will automatically create and cut live a copy of the selected process with the process name entered.

Select Existing Process Definition

For custom or CPL campaigns the process will need to be setup and configured manually so the copy process option is not suitable. To select an existing process definition uncheck the Copy Process option, select the process in the dropdown menu, and click the Select Process Definition button.

Campaign Detail Budget

NOTE: The Campaign Detail Budget tab will not be visible until an Inquiry Process has been connected to the campaign

The Inquiry process can handle Inquiries from different source types and regions. Campaigns that run across multiple regions and execute multiple source types (Paid Media, Content Syndocation and calling) will typically have a dedicated budget for each region and the source types within those regions. The campaign Detail budget defines the amount of budget allocated to each source type and region, this allows for greater granularity when filtering the Campaign Funnel Report.

Before the Campaign Detail Budget can be configured, an Inquiry Process must be connected to the campaign and the "Enable Detail Budget" checkbox has been checked. The Inquiry Process must be set because the source type and region values are defined by field values from the Inquiry Process.

Budget Source Type Context Object

The Budget Source Type field defines the source types for the campaign. The dropdown contains a list of all the fields in the connected Inquiry process that have a Fix List field type, this means that the source field must be of a list type in order to use the budget breakdown.

Select the field called "SourceType" from the dropdown. This field name should not change as it is critical when determining how an Inquiry is routed down the funnel.

Region Context Object

The Region field defines the regions for the campaign. Simiularly to the budget field, The dropdown contains a list of all the fields in the connected Inquiry process that have a Fix List field type, this means that the region field must be of a list type in order to use the budget breakdown.

Select the field called "Region" from the dropdown. This field name should not change as it is one of the fields used throughout the Power BI reports structure and filter the reports.

Budget Breakdown

Once the source type and region fields have been configured, a grid will display with the Source types as columns and the regions as rows. Each cell in the grid can be populated with a number that represents the amount of budget for the source type within the region.

CPL campaigns only fall under the ContentSyndication column so the budget should only be set in the Content Syndication column. When additional campaigns dashboards are created, the budget should be added to the existing amount.


A campaign can connect to multiple dashboards and is setup in the Dashboards tab. Once a campaign and dashboard are connected, campaign information can be passed into dashboard tiles for seemless setup such as the Campaign Briefing Document URL, digital reports, and WMS processes.

To learn more about setting up a dashboard, see the Dashboards Documentation.

Existing Dashboards

Pre existing dashboards can be added by selecting the "Add Existing Dashboard" button, this will display a pop up window.

The dropdown will only show dashboards for the current client. Select the dashboard and click the "Add Dashboard" button.

New Dashboard

New dashboards can be created from within the campaign configuration by clicking the "New Dashboard" button, this will display a new pop up window.

At the top of the window shows the client the dashboard will be created for and below is the Name field (mandatory) and the description (optional).

The import security from client checkbox will assign the same users/roles to the dashboard when selected.


The funnel configuration is an important part of the campaign setup and can be connected to the campaign on the Funnel tab. The funnel configuration is the backbone of the Campaign Funnel Report as it defines the sales funnel stages and how they map to each other for EIMS, the client, and Sirius.

the funnel configuration is also important for CPL campaigns as it contains details of how much a lead costs from all the publishers for the campaign.

To learn more about funnel configurations see the Funnel Configuration Documentation.

Add an Existing Funnel

Existing funnels can be added to the campaign by clicking the "Add Existing Funnel" button in the top right corner, this will display a dialog box. A single field will be available called "Choose Existing Funnel". You can select any funnel configuration that has already been setup for the current client.

Select the funnel to connect to the campaign and click "Add Funnel".

Create a New Funnel

A New funnel can be created and connected all-in-one by clicking the "Create Funnel" button in the top right corner, this will display a dialog box.

The name field is mandatory however, this will be prefilled with the name of the campaign. Typically, you should not change this value to ensure that the data tables generate correctly.

The description field is optional; a short description of the funnel should be entered here.

The "Global template?" checkbox will set the new funnel as the general template across the module. This means any funnel created for a client that does not have a client template set will use the configuration setup in the selected funnel.

The "Client template?" checkbox will set the new funel as the template for the current client. This means any funnel created for the current client will use the configuration setup in the selected funnel.

Once your happy with the details, click the "Save" button.

A campaign can only have 1 funnel configuration and once a funnel has been connected to the campaign, the buttons will no longer be available to add a funnel. The connected funnel can be removed from the campaign by clicking the "Remove" button on the funnel tile and the add funnel buttons will become available.

WMS Processes

There are various processes in WMS that run side by side with a campaign or before the campaign goes live. Example: the WL 2.0 Process is kicked off before the campaign exists in WMS and runs alongside all the various parts of the campaign that require setup. Campaign associated processes can be linked within the WMS Processes tab and associated processes can be quickly linked in connected campaign dashboards.

Add Process

Processes can be added by clicking the 'Add Process' button, this will display a dialog box.

The dropdown options will display the Process Definition and the Process instances you want to add from the definition e.g. the Process Definition could be WL 2.0 and the Process instance could be the instance for the campaign you are creating e.g. SCH_AP_CPL_20Q4. Once you have selected the Process Definition and Instance, click Add Process.

Data & Reports

The data and reports tab is the final step in the campaign configuration and will generate the data tables that the campaign Power BI reports are built upon. You will not be able to start the table generation until an Inquiry Process has been selected on the Campaign Settings tab and until the process has been set you will receive a message as shown in the screenshot below:

Once an Inquiry has been selected, the campaign data tables are ready to be genated. The tab will now display 2 fields:

Sync Time (UTC)

NOTE: The sync time entered is in UTC so adjust this time as neccessary for the campaign timezone

Campaign data tables in the data warehouse are synchronised every 24 hours and the time of day the sync occurs is configured on a per campaign basis. The Sync Time is the time of day you wish data in the data warehouse to be synchronised and as a result will refresh the campaign Power BI reports. This time is provided in 24 hour format (14:00 = 2pm)

Digital Agency Master Campaign ID

IMPORTANT: Campaigns that do not track Paid Media Inquiries should enter 0 as the master campaign ID

Campaigns that include paid media and use the services provided by the marketing cloud will have an associated master campaign ID. The master campaign ID will be used to generate the Top of the Funnel (TOFU) data such as campaign spend, impressions, clicks and lands.

Once the 2 fields are populate and you are happy with the campaign configuration click the "Create Warehouse Database" button and the tables will be configured and ready to be created in the data warehouse.

The data warehouse checks for any new campaigns or synchronisations every 15 minutes on the hour (00:00, 00:15, 00:30, and 00:45) so you may need to wait for the next 15 minute interval before the tables are fully created within the data warehouse.

Ad Hoc Synchronisation

IMPORTANT: This should be used sparingly when rectifying one off data issues to avoid unnecessary load on the server

Once the tables have been created and the campaign data has been synchronised in the data warehouse, an immediate synchronisation can be triggered by clicking the "Sync All Tables" button in the top right corner:
