
WebPlatform Documentation

CPL Publisher by Publisher Report


This report gives an overview of the selected campaign by client, publisher, and content syndication campaign name. The main grid displays the number of leads successfully entered into WMS, leads de-duped out at the source and target levels, leads uploaded to an external source (if set up for the campaign), leads accepted & rejected by the client and general cost information (Price Per Lead and Gross Cost).

Filters in the report

The Overview tab can be filtered by the following fields:

  • Client
  • Campaign
  • CreatedDate

Drilling through to the data in the Overview tab

You can see a detailed breakdown of the publisher report metrics for an Agency Placement Name by double clicking on a value you want to view e.g. Declined By Client

Once you do this a new tab will open with details for the selection you have made. Please note that you will see all rows for the summarisation of a given Agency Placement Name and not just the rows for the summarised column e.g. when double clicking on Declined By Client = 1, you will not see just 1 row of data but see all data for the Agency Placement Name. The reason for this is because the way excel calculates in PivotTables, it summarises all columns in the raw data rather than those which only have a value. 

Once you are in the drilled through tab, you can filter on the specific column header to the value you want to see the details of each row.

Glossary tab

Some of the terminology used for the data grid headers may not be meaningful for outside sources or new people using the report. To make it easier to interpret the report, a glossary tab is available. This tab gives a detailed description of each of the column headers in the report.

Considerations and Limitations of the report

Drilling through into the details shows all data

As the data is summarised on all rows in a column, when drilling through into the details, you will see all the data for the Agency Placement Name, rather than the number of rows seen in the values. This is the way excel summarises data using Pivot tables. You can filter the drill through data by the same column header by clicking on the arrow next to the column header and choose the criteria in the list.

Drilling through into the details for Total Leads Ordered, No of Leads Left To Deliver, Delivered (Non Billable), Delivered (Billable), Price Per Lead or Gross Cost

Due to limitations in Excel, you are unable to drill through into details from the Total Leads Ordered, No of Leads Left To Deliver, Delivered (Non Billable), Delivered (Billable), Price Per Lead or Gross Cost columns. This is due to the summarisation of the data not totalling correctly when inserting these fields into a Pivot table. These fields have been added to the end of the Pivot table with formulas.
