
WebPlatform Documentation


Dashboard Users

The My Dashboards view will present all dashboards on a single page grouped by the related client. You can see all available clients however, only the dashboards you have permission to access will be available. Click the dashboard tile to view the relevant dashboard.

Use the search field at the top of the page to find a specific dashboard.

Dashboard Admin Users

Admin users have access to the same functionality as a normal dashboard user plus some additional functionality to quickly add new clients, dashboards, and funnels.

Adding a new client

In the top right corner is the "New Client" button. The button will open a pop up window where you will need to provide the following information:

  • Client Name - The name of the new client
  • Add Client Image - A file uploader to display the clients logo. Has a display size of 75px by 75px.
  • Color - The primary colour for the client. This will be used to theme the clients dashboards and the client sections of the "My Dashboards" and "Client Dashboard" pages. You can select the colour from a standard colour picker however, we recommend using the RGG/HEX values to apply the clients colours accurately. 
  • Text Color - Sets the colour of the text for client specific headings and cell titles.
  • Client Description - The description for the client

New Dashboard

Each client has a set of buttons on the right hand side of the client name. To create a new dashboard for the client, click the "New Dashboards" button. The button will open a pop up window where you will need to provide the following information:

  • Name - The name of the dashboard, this will typically be the campaign name and should follow the standard campaign naming convention.
  • Description - A short description (32 character limit) for the new dashboard. The description is visible below the header of the dashboard tile on the "My Dashboards" and "Client Dashboard"  pages.

Once you save the form a new dashboard tile will be visible within the client section and you should see the dashboard name and description on the tile.

When you create a new dashboard it will be unpublished. This is shown on the dashboard tile:

New Funnel

The new funnel button show you all the funnels that have been setup for the selected campaign. To create a new funnel, click the New Funnel button. The button will open a pop up window where you will need to provide the following information:

  • Name - The new of the new funnel. This must have the same name as the campaign the funnel is being configured for otherwise, the funnel details will not be visible in the Digital Funnel Report.
  • Description - A short description (32 character limit) for the funnel. This will be visible on the funnel tile.
  • Global Template? - A checkbox which will set the new funnel as a global template.
  • Client Template? - A checkbox which will set the new funnel as a client template.