
WebPlatform Documentation

Campaign Funnel Report


This Documentation explains each tab in the Content Syndication Digital Standard Funnel Report. The aim is to support AMs and BUDs with the weekly reporting of Content Syndication / PMP programs and should be utilized to manage Content Syndication programs successfully.

What to know before using the funnel report

The funnel report is set-up during the CSU and/or CSY Order Process, depending on whether the set-up is a new logo, new FOP or continuation of existing funnel. In most cases, you will only have one funnel per client – IF the currency shown in the funnel is the same. i.e. 1 funnel for USD programs, and a separate funnel for EUR programs.

For each separate program / SOW a new dashboard will be created but will link to an existing funnel when you select New FOP or Continuation in the set-up process.

Any changes required to the funnel, should be managed through the ‘Other Resources’ tile on the campaign specific dashboard using ‘Request Changes’:

Click the Request Changes button at the bottom of the tile and follow the WMS process. Changes that can be requested, but not limited to are:

  • Change of assets – please fill in the AssetMapping tab in the Output template to add new assets to the program in the same format as per the original / first campaign set up (the asset names will need to be programmed into the funnel to ensure validation of INQs is accurate)
  • Update B.C.R (Benchmark Conversion Rates)
  • Total budget
  • Changes in lead scoring metrics
  • Updates to LOV in fields and/or Publisher template updates
  • Addition of new TALs to track performance in the ABM Metrics tab and Profiling Analysis tab (new accounts must be submitted in the format of the downloadable ‘TAL Template’)
  • Changes to existing API e.g. new fields or set up of API instead of a SQL2XLSX Output Report
  • Addition of extra channels in the Performance Metric tabs
  • Etc.

All requests must be clearly written in SPIN format (please remember, short and concise description is more valuable than lengthy convoluted explanations).

Digital Funnel

The funnel report can be accessed from the live reports tile on each campaign dashboard. The Digital funnel tab contains the full end to end sales funnel and displays the total leads, active and rejected for each sales stage. The funnel also shows the cost per lead and the value for each stage.

Adjustable Funnel Stages & Regional Filter

The original funnel report had a static number of sales stages on the funnel however, the most up to date funnel reports will adjust according to the sales stages configured within the funnel configuration tool in the campaign dashboards module.

Region filters are also available on the most up to date funnels.

Source Type Filtering on the Funnel

You can add an additional layer of Filtering to the Funnel which is by Source Type.

This allows you to see the statistics for the campaign by a specific Source Type e.g. PaidMedia, ContentSyndication, Calling or DEaaS

Filtering by SourceType is available on the most up to date funnels.

Full list of filters in the Funnel Report

  • Region
  • SourceType
  • Campaign
  • Channel
  • Creative
  • Lead Source
  • Agency Placement Name
  • Publisher
  • Country
  • Asset 1
  • Asset 2
  • Industry
  • Job Function

What you need to know for 'Publisher' filter

The funnel report covers multiple sources : Paid Media, Content Syndication & Calling. Publisher data will be available for both Paid Media & Content Syndication, so you will be able to select any Publisher used for a client in this filter.

General details regarding Sync

Why does this report need syncing? 

In order to generate the report, we get the data from different sources (Digital & WMS) and bring it together within a Data Warehouse. So, in order to ensure this data marries up correctly, we need to synchronise the data at a set time. This ensures that the calculations in the report are accurate. The report is synced daily.

Last Sync Date Time - Displays the last date & time the data was synchronised in the Data Warehouse. 

Next Sync Date Time - Displays the next date & time the data will be synchronised in the Data Warehouse. 

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics tab allows you to easily compare different digital inputs. This table is designed to easily compare, by input, the performance from top of the funnel all the way down to bottom of the funnel. Note: this is only possible if this data is captured and updated via the Bulk Import/Update process, meaning if the data does not exist the expected return is blank.

By default you can filter by the following:

  • Campaign – these are the individual campaign name line-items within a Content Syndication program, i.e. Asset1PublisherACountryY, Asset1PublisherBCountryY
  • Channel – this can include DAAS, Content Syndication, Calling, Paid Media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Google Search, Display, Native)
  • Country – a list of all countries supplied to LMS in the output template
    • Tip: only supply countries that are actively targeted, as otherwise the dropdown list will show all countries and no values against all unused ones.
  • Creative [Asset] Name (Asset Name 1) – list of first asset downloads (if this is being captured in the program)
  • Creative [Asset] Name (Asset Name 2) – list of second asset downloads (if this is being captured in the program)
  • Industry – a list of industries supplied to LMS in the output template
  • Job Function – a list of job functions supplied to LMS in the output template
  • Publisher – the publisher selected for a program

The table displays several metrics to help provide insights into the program performance. The first section of the table shows information regarding INQ delivery and quality (i.e. rejection, acceptance). 

Below is an example of the vertical tabs showing additional insights for inquiries provided and their progress down the sales cycle. The vertical tabs will remain the same, irrespective of the  filter selected.

Please note: a discrepancy can exist between total number received from publishers vs. # of INQs. This is due to the fact the total number received from publishers is only showing content syndication leads. If you have additional sources feeding the funnel, this will not be captured in the first 3 columns but will show up from # of INQs onwards.

Scrolling right in the table, several performance metrics are displayed related to conversion rate, cost per lead and ROI. This table is also filterable by the inputs as described above.


The quality of data in this view is dependent on data inputs received from the publishers or form fill (where source type is PaidMedia). The first 8 columns will be populated with data supplied by publishers and the data validation team (up to # of AQLs). The remaining data points will only be visible if down-funnel updates is received and processed regularly (weekly is best practice), by using the Leads Update Template. Template can be found on the dashboard, under the “Other Resources” section as shown below.

Weekly Scorecard - TOFU Metrics

The TOFU Metrics tab is a weekly scorecard for Top of Funnel (TOFU) data such as spend, impressions, and clicks.

Week Definition

This tab displays data on a week by week basis. A week is defined as: 

  • Starting on the Monday and ending on the Sunday.
  • Week 1 relates to the week that starts 1st January. Example: 2021 - Week 1 date range: Friday 1st January 2021 - Sunday 3rd January 2021
  • Week 2 relates to the following full week starting Monday, Example: 2021 - Week 2 date range: Monday 4th January 2021 - Sunday 10th January 2021


TOFU Metric Table - Metric Definitions

The table shows 9 Top of Funnel performance metrics:

Column Name Definition

Total amount spent on the campaign for the period.

Cost Per

The Cost Per INQ for the period.


The total number of form fills for the period.


The conversion rate from a click to a INQ for the period.


Cost Per Click for the period.


Click Through Rate (CTR) of an impression to a click for the period.


The number of people who have clicked an advert and viewed the landing page within the period.


The number of people who have clicked an advert but may not have necessarily viewed the landing page within the period.


Impressions. The number of people who have viewed an advert within the period.

TOFU Metric Table - Period Definitions

The metric table shows totals for each metric (column) against 3 different periods; Current Period, Previous Period, and Previous 4 Periods.

Period Type Definition
Current Period

The full week selected in the "Select the week to compare" dropdown. If a value has not been selected in the dropdown then the week you are in whilst viewing the report will be used.

Example: 2021 Week 36 selected in the dropdown. Columns will be calculated for week 36 (between 30th August 2021 - 5th September 2021).

Previous Period

The full week prior to the Current Period. 

Example: 2021 Week 36 selected in the dropdown. Columns will be calculated for week 35 (between 23rd August 2021 - 29th August 2021).

Previous 4 Periods

4 week aggregate including the Current Period.

Example: 2021 Week 36 selected in the dropdown. Columns will be calculated for the weeks 33 - 36 (between 9th August 2021 - 5th September 2021).


TOFU Week on Week (WoW) - Spend / INQs / Cost Per

The TOFU WoW graph is a week on week breakdown of the Previous 4 Periods.

  • The blue bars display the number of INQs generated for each week (Left sided Y-axis)
  • The green area shows the amount spent across the 4 weeks (Right sided Y-axis)
  • The orange dotted line is the Cost Per INQ for each week (Right sided Y-axis)
  • The left sided Y-axis follows a linear scale whereas the right sided Y-axis follows a Logarithmic scale

TOFU All Time Marketing channel Funnel, Pipeline, and Revenue

The right hand side of the TOFU Tab displays metrics across the entirety of the campaigns duration.

All Time Marketing Channel Funnel

The marketing channel funnel is a mini funnel showing the total number and Cost Per for each Marketing & Sales stage of the funnel.

Budget Optimised (CPL)

The total cost of Inquiries that have been disqualified / rejected where Source Type = ContentSyndication. This is not charged to the client and represents how much the client has saved.

All Time Pipeline Value & Revenue

The all time pipeline value represents the total value of SQOs across the campaign's duration.

The all time revenue value represents the total value of SQOs that were generated and converted to a won deal across the campaign duration.

Weekly Scorecard - BOFU Metrics

The BOFU Metrics tab is a weekly scorecard for Bottom of Funnel (BOFU) data such as total number of INQs and the total that have progressed down the sales funnel, the pipeline value, and the amount of revenue generated.

Week Definition

This tab displays data on a week by week basis. A week is defined as: 

  • Starting on the Monday and ending on the Sunday.
  • Week 1 relates to the week that starts 1st January. Example: 2021 - Week 1 date range: Friday 1st January 2021 - Sunday 3rd January 2021
  • Week 2 relates to the following full week starting Monday, Example: 2021 - Week 2 date range: Monday 4th January 2021 - Sunday 10th January 2021


BOFU Metric Table - Metric Definitions

The table shows 10 Bottom of Funnel performance metrics:

Column Name Definition

The total number of form fills for the period.


The conversion rate of INQs to MQLs for the period.


The total number of INQs that were generated and progressed to a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) within the period.


The conversion rate of MQLs to SALs for the period.


The total number of INQs that were generated and progressed to a Sales Accepted Lead (SAL) within the period.


The conversion rate of SALs to SQOs for the period.


The total number of INQs that were generated and progressed to a Sales Qualified Lead (SQO) within the period.


The total value of INQs that were generated within the period.


The total number of INQs that were generated and converted to a won deal within the period.


The total value of the WINs for the period.

BOFU Metric Table - Period Definitions

The metric table shows totals for each metric (column) against 3 different periods; Current Period, Previous Period, and Previous 4 Periods.

Period Type Definition
Current Period

The full week selected in the "Select the week to compare" dropdown. If a value has not been selected in the dropdown then the week you are in whilst viewing the report will be used.

Example: 2021 Week 36 selected in the dropdown. Columns will be calculated for week 36 (between 30th August 2021 - 5th September 2021).

Previous Period

The full week prior to the Current Period. 

Example: 2021 Week 36 selected in the dropdown. Columns will be calculated for week 35 (between 23rd August 2021 - 29th August 2021).

Previous 4 Periods

4 week aggregate including the Current Period.

Example: 2021 Week 36 selected in the dropdown. Columns will be calculated for the weeks 33 - 36 (between 9th August 2021 - 5th September 2021).


BOFU Week on Week (WoW) - Count by Lead Stage

The BOFU WoW graph is a week on week breakdown of the Previous 4 Periods.

  • The orange bars display the total number of active MQLs for each week (Left sided Y-axis)
  • The grey bars display the total number of active SALs for each week (Left sided Y-axis)
  • The yellow bars display the total number of active SQOs for each week (Left sided Y-axis)
  • The light blue bars display the total number of WINs for each week (Left sided Y-axis)
  • The blue area shows the number of INQs generated for each week (Right sided Y-axis)

BOFU All Time Marketing channel Funnel, Pipeline, and Revenue

The right hand side of the BOFU Tab displays metrics across the entirety of the campaigns duration.

All Time Marketing Channel Funnel

The marketing channel funnel is a mini funnel showing the total number and Cost Per for each Marketing & Sales stage of the funnel.

Budget Optimised (CPL)

The total cost of Inquiries that have been disqualified / rejected. This is not charged to the client and represents how much the client has saved.

All Time Pipeline Value & Revenue

The all time pipeline value represents the total value of SQOs across the campaign's duration.

The all time revenue value represents the total value of SQOs that were generated and converted to a won deal across the campaign duration.

Weekly Scorecard - Platform Metrics

The Platform Metrics tab is a breakdown of the TOFU Metrics for each platform used with Paid Media. TOFU metrics are displayed for the following platforms:

  1. Google
  2. Bing
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Facebook/Instagram
  5. DV360
  6. Twitter
  7. Quora

The platform buttons along the top of the tab will display/hide the relevant platform metrics. The metrics are visible when the background colour is solid blue and hidden when the background colour is transparent.

Weekly Scorecard - Custom Date Range

The custom date range tab allows you to select 2 date ranges and compares the TOFU and BOFU metrics. There are 2 sections to the tab; results based on the INQ created date and results based on all activity.

Results based on INQ creation date

The TOFU and BOFU metrics are calculated where the original INQ created date falls within the 2 date ranges selected.

Example 1: An INQ is created within the selected date range, and within that range it also moves from INQ to MQL, but then moves to SAL outside the bounds of the selected date ranges. The metric tables would show the INQ count and MQL count, but not the SAL count (as the SAL did not occur within the selected date range).

Example 2: An INQ is created outside the selected date ranges, but becomes an MQL within the selected date ranges. The metric tables would not show the MQL count, as the original INQ was not created within the selected date range.

Results based on all activity

The TOFU and BOFU metrics are calculated where any activity has occured within the 2 date ranges selected.

Example 1: An INQ is created within the selected date range, and within that range it also moves from INQ to MQL, but then moves to SAL outside the bounds of the selected date range. The metric tables would show the INQ count and MQL count, but not the SAL count (as the SAL did not occur within the selected date range). This example stays the same, as the SAL activity occurs outside of the selected date range.

Example 2: An INQ is created outside the selected date range, but becomes an MQL within the selected date range. The TOFU and BOFU metrics will show the MQL but not the INQ, as the INQ was created outside of the selected date range but became an MQL within the selected date range. This example changes, and we would now see the MQL count reflect activity where the original INQ was not created within the selected time period.

Enablement Training Video


The Glossary tab provides definitions for the sales stages/terms used for the EIMS funnel configuration.


This tab shows how the standard Sirius sales stages pair between both the EIMS sales stages and the clients sales stages.

Target Segments

This tab breaks down the approached targets for the campaign into the relevant segment, channel and source and details the number of duplicates that were included within the campaign.


The benchmarks tab provides a breakdown of the projections that have been agreed and forecasted at the start of the campaign, this includes: conversion rates, cost of follow ups and volumes based on the campaign budget.

Budget performance

Details regarding Budget Performance

The funnel report displays the budget performance for the campaign so the Account Manager (AM) can see how fast the budget is being spent and report this back to the client. This gives visibility to both the AM and the client on how the campaign is performing from a budget perspective and outlines what the projected campaign end date is based on budget that is spent.

The budget performance displays five pieces of information:

  1. Start Date - this is the start date of the campaign
  2. End Date - this is the projected end date for the campaign
  3. Projected Daily Budget Spend - this is calculated on the total budget for the campaign divided by the number of days between the start date and end date. This calculation includes the end date as a day.
  4. Actual Daily Budget Spend - this is calculated on the total spent for the campaign (cost) divided by the number of days between the start date and today's date. This calculation includes the end date as a day.
  5. Projected End Date - this displays the date the budget will end on if the campaign keeps burning at the rate of the Actual Daily Budget Spend. This is calculated in two steps:
    1. Step 1 - the total budget divided by the Actual Daily Budget Spend gives the number of days the budget will be finished in based on how much is being spent daily at the moment
    2. Step 2 - The number of days from Step 1 is then added to the Start Date of the campaign to give you the Projected End Date


This tab provides all the details gathered for each individual lead/opportunity gathered for the campaign including: the sales stage the lead/opportunity has reached and the length of time that has elapsed since reaching the current sales stage, contact details, Cost Per Lead and Impression Per Lead to name a few.

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Validation Audit

The validation audit tab tracks Content Syndication inquiries that require in-house validation. You will see the number of inquiries for in-house validation, the number of inquiries which have not been assigned to a validator and track the progress of inquiries by Validators.

The INQ Validation Summary is a general summary of all content syndication leads that require in-house validation. At the top summary, there are 3 figures:

  • Total INQs - This is the total number of INQs that require in-house validation. This number is calculated based on the number of inquiries that have reached the 1. INQ - Validate stage of the process
  • Total INQs Awaiting Validation - Total number of INQs that are currently active at the 1. INQ - Validate stage and are waiting to be validated
  • Total INQs Unassigned - This is the total number of INQs that are currently active at the 1. INQ - Validate stage and a validator have yet to be assigned a Validator. A validator is assigned by populating the "Validator" field on the 1. INQ - Validate WorkItem

Below "Total INQs for Validation" and "Total INQs Unassigned", we can see the breakdown of each "Validator" and various performance metrics for each validator. By default inquiries are sorted by the Assigned number of INQs (highest at the top). 

  • Validator - The person responsible for validating the inquiry. This is determined by the user selected in the "Validator" field on the 1. INQ - Validate WorkItem
  • Assigned - The total number of Inquiries where the validator name is selected in the "Validator" field
  • Validated - The total number of inquiries the validator has successfully validated. This is determined by the validator completing the 1. INQ - Validate WorkItem and the inquiry progressing down the funnel (QA or disqualified)
  • % Assigned - What proportion is the validator responsible for validating (out of all the inquiries that require in-house validation for the campaign)?
    • Calculation - Assigned / Total INQs for Validation
  • % Validated - What proportion has the validator completed successfully (out of all the inquiries the validator is responsible for validating)?
    • Calculation - Validated / Assigned
  • Rejected - The total number of inquiries passed to QA and were rejected
  • % Rejected - What proportion has QA rejected (out of all the inquiries the validator has passed to QA)? This metric helps determine the quality of validation
  • Accepted - The total number of inquiries passed to QA and the QA resource has accepted as a valid inquiry

INQs Awaiting Validation

The INQs awaiting validation table displays all processes that are currently active at the 1. INQ - Validate stage and are waiting to be validated, this means that in the table you will also see QA rejects as the 1.Validate WorkItem is reactivated. The table contains 5 columns:

NOTE: Inquiries rejected by QA are returned to the Validator and will re appear in the INQs Awaiting Validation list
  • Process ID - The Id of the process in WMS. This column has a hyperlink that takes you to the process diagram of the selected process when clicked
  • Time In Status - How long the inquiry has been active at the 1. INQ - Validate stage. There are 4 categories the inquiry will fall into:
    • Hours [Under 48 hours]
    • Days [2-7 days]
    • Week(s) [7-30 days]
    • Month(s) [30+ days]
  • Company - Company of the contact
  • Full Name - Full Name of the contact
  • Email - Email of the contact

Below the table you will find a button for each Time in Status category. These filters apply only to this grid. Click a category once to filter the INQs Awaiting Validation table by the selected time scale.

TIP: Multiple categories can be selected by holding Ctrl and clicking each category to display simultaneously

Example 1 - New inquiry ready for validation

Example 2 - Inquiry rejected by QA 

INQs Validated by Month

The INQs Validated by Month is a line graph showing the number of INQs received for validation and INQs validated over the course of the campaign. By default the graph shows data by month however, as the campaign date is filtered the date range will become more granular.

  • X-Axis - A date range starting from the campaign start date and ending with the projected end date (set in the campaign configuration found in the campaign dashboards module) or today's date if the campaign end date has not been met
  • Y-Axis - The line graph plots 2 metrics on the y-axis:
    • INQs Validated - The number of INQs successfully validated on a given date
    • Received INQs for Validation - The number of INQs that reached the 1. INQ - Validate stage on a given date

Page Filters

The page filters can be used to filter the 3 sections previously discussed on the validation audit page. The filters applied here will not impact on other tabs in the Campaign Funnel Report:

  • Campaign Dates - A date range filter that starts with the campaign start date and ends with the projected end date or today's date if the end date has not been reached. The campaign data filter applies to all visuals in the validation audit tab and filters by the activated date of the 1. Validate WorkItem
  • Campaign - A drop-down list of all the campaigns entered in the "Campaign Name" field. The campaign filter applies to the Campaign Name field in the campaign process
  • Validators - Validators selectable in the "Validator" field in the campaign process with the addition of "Unassigned". Unassigned will always appear first in the list with the rest sorted alphabetically (top - down, left - right)


You can clear all applied filters (this includes the reporting level filters) by clicking the clear filters button in the top right corner of the page filters section.

RMT [Lead follow-up Analysis]

The RMT tab breaks down all the active leads within a campaign by each stage of the sales funnel. This tab also includes a list of the agents who are allocated the leads in WMS.

Understanding the Numbers

Due to the many different types of marketing tactic the numbers in this report can often be misunderstood. Here’s a quick ‘cheat-sheet’ to understand the most important numbers.

Campaign Funnel


Actual Conversion Rate

The actual conversion rate from the previous stage to the current stage.

Example: AQL has an 85% ACR. This means that 85% of the INQs progressed to the AQL stage.

(Current Stage Count / Previous Stage Count) * 100


Benchmark Conversion Rate

The benchmarked conversion rate from the previous stage to the current stage.

The BCR is defined in the funnel configuration with 6 different benchmark types.

The default benchmark type is the SOW Proposal (Targets) type. Changing the BenchmarkType filter will adjust the BCRs on the funnel.


The total amount of money allocated to the campaign. this is configured in the campaign setup and is broken down by SourceType and Region.


Estimated Cost Per Mille

The current estimated cost per 1,000 impressions.

Calculation: (Cost / Impressions) * 1,000


The amount of money that has currently been spent on the campaign.

The cost is calculated based on the SourceType and combined to give the total cost:

Sum of the daily advertising spend.

Each ContentSyndication Inquiry has an AgencyPlacementName that has a fixed Cost Per Lead. This is set in the funnel configuration.

The cost is the sum of the attributed Price Per Lead for each Inquiry that has progressed to the EIMS sales stage AQL.

The sum of the cost value for each inquiry. This value is added at the bulk import stage.


Impressions Per Click

The number of impressions it takes to convert to a click. For example, 100 IPC means that for every click there were 100 impressions.

Calculation: Impressions / Clicks


The amount of budget remaining.

Calculation: Budget - Cost


Estimated Cost Per Click

The current estimated cost for a single click.

Calculation: Cost / Clicks

Cost Per

The current cost for a single land / lead for the relevant stage.

Calculation: Spend / Stage Count


The number of leads that are active at the relevant funnel stage.


The number of leads that have been disqualified at the relevant stage.

Calculation for INQ: Suppressed + Declined by Client - EIMS Investigating


The total value of all leads at the relevant stage.

All leads that have not reached the EIMS stage "SAL" have an average deal value. Once the lead reaches the SAL stage the value is taken from the "Value" field in the process.

Total Pipeline

The total value of leads that have converted to an opportunity (EIMS stage SQO)


Return on Investment

Return On Investment or Return On Costs is a ratio between the value of the WON deals (WON Value) and the current amount spent on the campaign (Cost).

Calculation: (Won Value / Cost) * 100

Calculation for Channel: (Won Value / Budget) * 100

Considerations & Limitations

There are a few known issues with the Digital Campaign Funnel Report. These are visible to you in every report info icon, and are as follows:

1. InquiryDetails list contains all Ad click data, including clicks that have not been paid

2. Leads without a DigitalUniqueId do not have TOFU data. Filtering can cause the funnel to display misleading values if there is no link between the field(s) filtered and

the ad/lead data

3. Advert data (Impressions, clicks etc...) and lead data has a 24 hour delay between synchronisation. Meaning: Leads registered after 11:00am will not have ad data until

the next days ad synchronisation

4. Formula for ROI(E:R) % calculation = Won value divided by the cost value times 100 (Won Value /Cost*100)

5. The InquiryDetails tab data extract is limited to 150,000 rows. For a full data extract run the digital campaign report on the web platform

6. The date range filter on the "Custom Date Range" tab allows for any date values even if they do not exist in the underlying date column. However, the date range on the TOFU and BOFU grids will only reflect ranges between the campaign start and end date
