
WebPlatform Documentation

Data Enrichment Report


The data enrichment report monitors how soon the data enrichment as a service (DEaaS) updates a process with enriched data compared to how long it takes for an agent to progress a lead past the first stage of a digital process.

Date Filter

The date filters change the range of processes displayed in the report and filters by the process created date. By default the report is displayed all processes however, you can change this by clicking 1 of the buttons, your options are:

  • All time - Displays all processes
  • This Quarter & Last Quarter - Filters the list of processes to those that were created within the current and previous calendar quarter
    • Q1 - January - March
    • Q2 - April - June
    • Q3 - July - September
    • Q4 - October - December
  • This Month & Last Month - Filters the list of processes to those that were created in the current and previous calendar month
  • This Week & Last Week - Filters the list of processes to those that were created in the current and previous week

Processes & Data Enrichment


The grid shows each process for a campaign where the DEaaS has been called and we have recorded a response from the sevice. See below details of each column in the grid:

  • Process ID - The ID of the process. Each ID has a hyperlink to the process diagram
  • First name - The first name field in the process. If the agent has applied the enriched data in the process then it will display the enriched value otherwise, it will display the original value
  • Last name - The last name field in the process. If the agent has applied the enriched data in the process then it will display the enriched value otherwise, it will display the original value
  • Email - The email field in the process. If the agent has applied the enriched data in the process then it will display the enriched value otherwise, it will display the original value
  • Source Type - The campaign process can handles multiple lead sources in a single process design and this column shows the source type of the process
  • Active WorkItem - This is the current active WorkItem for the process. Each active WorkItem has a hyperlink to the relevant WorkItem. If the process has been completed then this will display as blank
  • First WorkItem Completed Date - This is the actual completed date of the first stage of the campaign. The DEaaS updates the process when the process was created and must have triggered before the first stage of the campaign process has been completed
  • Actual Enrichment Date - The actual date when the DEaaS has triggered and updated the process with enriched data
  • Enrichment Status - Each process will full into 1 of 2 status':
    • DEaaS In time: The DEaaS has triggered before the first stage of the campaign process has been completed
    • DEaaS too late: The DEaaS has triggered after the first stage of the campaign process has been completed 

Donut Chart

Shows a comparison of the total processes that have been updated on time and late with a percentage breakdown of each. Clicking a portion of the donut will filter the grid to the relevant processes.
