
WebPlatform Documentation

Internal Publisher Report

NOTE: This report is for internal use only and should not be presented to the client. Use the normal Publisher Report when meeting with the client.

What is Content Syndication?

Content syndication is a method of republishing content on other sites in order to reach a broader audience. Syndicated content not only increases your reach and brand awareness, it also builds links and can help drive more traffic to your original article.

Content syndication networks place your content on a variety of sites. They charge on a cost-per-lead (or CPL) basis.

Internal Publisher Report

This report gives an overview of the selected campaign by publisher and only reports on inquiries in a campaign with a Source Type of Content Syndication. The main grid displays the number of inquiries successfully entered into WMS, de-duped out at the source and target levels, pending verification, accepted & rejected by the client and the general cost for leads passed to the client (Price Per Lead and Gross Cost).

The internal publisher report should only be used within EIMS as it includes additional financial information that is not suitable for client facing meetings. The Price Per Lead and Gross Cost metrics are separated by client, publisher, and the margin between the values to calculate the profit taken by EIMS.

Filtering the Publisher Report

NOTE: The "time period" and "date range" filter apply to the process created date on the Publisher Report tab.

The Filter button is available on the top right corner of the report. By clicking on the button, the filter will be displayed and you can filter the data grid by the following parameters:

  • Time periods:
    • All time
    • Daily (today & yesterday)
    • Weekly (this week & last week. A week runs from Monday - Sunday)
    • Monthly (this month & last month)
    • Quarterly (this quarter & last quarter)
  • Publisher
  • Agency Placement Name
  • Campaign
  • Date range

To clear a filter hover over the drop down box and click the rubber icon .

Publisher Report Drill Through Details

The publisher report is useful for an overview of each publisher and the quality of the inquiries provided however, it doesn't go into detail for the individual inquiries. The drill through functionality allows you to see the details behind the summary values on the publisher report.

To drill through on an AgencyPlacementName right click anywhere on the row, hover over the drill through option, and select the metric you want to drill into. The following metric breakdowns are available:

  • Received from Publisher Details
  • Duplicate (Own Data) Details
  • Duplicate (Cross Data) details
  • Input Details
  • Pending Verification Details
  • Rejected Non Spec Details
  • Passed To Client Details
  • Declined By Client Details

Billable Report

NOTE: Filtering by calendar month applies to the date a process reaches the 1. Client Approval WorkItem

The billable report tab can only be accessed from the internal version of the publisher report and displays all leads that have been passed to the client. The report can be filtered by each calendar month between the campaign start and end date.

Individual leads for an AgencyPlacementName can be viewed by right clicking on the row, selecting drill through, and clicking "Billable Leads Details".

Understanding the Numbers

Due to the many different types of marketing tactic the numbers in this report can often be misunderstood. Here’s a quick ‘cheat-sheet’ to understand the most important numbers.

Publisher Report

Recieved From Publisher

The total number of Inquiries imported for each publisher prior to any de duplication.

Delivered (Billable)

Number of leads accepted by the client within the Budget agreed with the client.

Calculation: Passed to Client - Declined by Client - Delivered Non-billable

Rejected Duplicate (Own Data)

Duplicate rows within the import files for each publisher.

Delivered (Non Billable)

The amount of Inquiries sent to the client for approval that exceed the total leads ordered for each publisher.

Calculation: Passed To Client - Declined By Client - Total Leads Ordered

Rejected Duplicate (Cross Data)

Rows within the import files for each publisher that have matched to Inquiries that already exist in the funnel.

Total Leads Ordered

The total Inquiries that have been ordered from each publisher. This is a fixed value as part of the funnel configuration.


Total number of Inquiries (INQ) that exist in the campaign funnel for each publisher.

No of Leads Left To Deliver

The number of remaining Inquiries to be passed to the client in order to match the Total Leads Ordered.

Calculation: Total Leads Ordered - Passed To Client + Declined By Client + Over Delivered

Pending Verification

The total number of Inputs (INQs) that have not been passed to the client for approval. These leads will be active at the Validate or QA stages.

Price Per Lead (Client)

The cost to the client per Inquiry that has reached the EIMS stage AQL for each publisher. This is a fixed value as part of the funnel configuration.

Rejected Non Spec

Leads which have been rejected to the publisher during the verification/QA process (disqualified leads).

Price Per Lead (Publisher)

The cost to EIMS per Inquiry that has reached the EIMS stage AQL for each publisher. This is a fixed value as part of the funnel configuration.

Rejection %

% of leads not passed to the client.

Calculation: (Rejected Duplicates + Rejected non spec) / Received from publisher


What EIMS charge per lead to manage the campaign and pay overhead costs / profit.

Price Per Lead (Client) - Price Per Lead (Publisher)

Passed To Client

Leads passed to the client.

Gross Cost (Client)

Total Spend to date on this campaign.

Calculation: Delivered (Billable) * Price Per Lead (Client)

Declined By Client

Leads client has specifically rejected and EIMS have excluded from delivered results. This lead is rejected at INQ stage in the funnel.

Gross Cost (Publisher)

Total spend to date on this campaign segment.

Calculation: Delivered (Billable) * Price Per Lead (Publisher)

EIMS Investigating

The total number of Inputs (INQs) that the client has declined and EIMS have yet to confirm as a rejected lead.

Gross Margin

Total amount EIMS charge to manage the campaign and pay overhead costs / profit.

Gross Cost (Client) - Gross Cost (Publisher)
