Why bulk upload?
The situation is: This is what you want to do - mass import of processes. You want to start many processes in bulk (in one go, instead of starting these off one by one).
This is how you can do it.
Why bulk upload?
The situation is: This is what you want to do - mass import of processes. You want to start many processes in bulk (in one go, instead of starting these off one by one).
This is how you can do it.
* You can download the template for the selected process (includes all fields in the start form). Populate and upload for processing in bulk.
If you are repeating a bulk upload you can re-use the setting from a previous bulk upload
If a transform rule has been used in a bulk import that has gone to end (meaning it was successful), it can be re-used in other mappings. Just select the relevant one and click OK.
* Each WebPlatform will have a different domain. Please check with Product Support before you set up an automated bulk import in another WebPlatform
Here’s how it works:
Each file that is emailed for bulk import of WMS processes will have a success or fail message. The sender will receive an automated email detailing the number of processes started, how many rows of data were received, how many invalid rows of data were found (a breakdown of source duplicates / target duplicates / failed validation). Here are a couple of examples and a short video:
With rows which have failed in the import stage: amend the failed rows and import only the failed rows again